Richard Kyle Paisley is currently the Director of the Global International Waters Initiative at the University of British Columbia (UBC) IAR in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.

Richard's academic background includes undergraduate and graduate degrees in biochemistry, resource management, law and international law from UBC, the University of Washington, Pepperdine University School of Law and the London School of Economics

His research, teaching and consulting interests include governance of international waters, international business transactions, negotiations and environmental conflict resolution.

Richard has directed a wide range of conferences, workshops and research projects, published extensively and been an advisor, trainer and special counsel on these subjects to governments, international agencies, universities, non governmental organizations and aboriginal groups including the: UN Food and Agriculture Organization, United Nations Development Programme, United Nations Environment Programme, International Union for the Conservation of Nature, UN Global Environment Facility, Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada, Environment Canada, Fisheries & Oceans Canada, Canadian International Development Agency, Province of British Columbia, Attorney General of Washington State, Yukon Territorial Government, Government of the North West Territories, Columbia Basin Trust, Columbia Power Corporation, Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society, World Bank, El Colegio do Mexico, McGill University, Nile Basin Initiative (NBI), UNOPS, Mekong River Commission Secretariat, Bangladesh Department of Environment, and the Nepal Water and Energy Commission Secretariat.

His outside interests include downhill and cross country skiing, cycling, backpacking, kayaking and coaching his daughters' soccer teams.